Sunday, May 4, 2014

For The First Time In Forever (Running)

Today I went running for the first time in.....well, a long time. 

Even though it was hot for my liking, it was an enjoyable experience. 

In case you don't know, I ran cross country in high school. And just to clarify, I wasn't the best runner. I wasn't even a "good" runner; however, one of my good friends convinced me to join the team and I stuck with it.

And now, cross country has stuck with me. I can't get it out of my system. 

For example, today I went running. Had I been planning on going running this morning?
I just got this feeling like, "Wow. God has made such a beautiful day. Hmmmm. I should go for a run." And so I did. 
Now, when I run, I'm not trying to set any land speed records. I keep up about a 9-10 minute mile pace, and just go. I'm convinced that whatever I learned during cross country has switched on something in my mind that says, "Don't stop running. It'll be over eventually." 

If you're looking to get into running, I hope to offer some advice on how to get into it. If you're already into running- you're most likely faster than me, can correct me, and don't need this advice. Personally, I believe that running is 90% mental. (Even though when I go on spontaneous runs, my body usually ends up paying for it the next day.) 

Sorry, I'm rambling- running advice coming up:

1. There are no hills. 
You'd be surprised what squinting your eyes and tilting your head can do. 

2. There is no finish line. 
Imagine that you're running to the other end of whatever country you may be on. There's no need to think about stopping. 

3. Just run. 
What are you doing? Go! Run! Take in the sights, enjoy the sounds (music or otherwise), and fall into a rhythm. 

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